

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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I. 听句子选择恰当的答语。
1. ( )
A. Yes, I do B. Twice a week C. No, I can’t
2. ( )
A. You should lie down and rest.
B. You should see a dentist.
C. You should drink a lot of water.
3. ( )
A. It’s 4 miles B. 4 days C. Tomorrow
4. ( )
A. Yes, they do B. They take buses
C. No, they aren’t.
5. ( )
A. You’re welcome B. Sure, I’d love to
C. That’s all right.
II. 听短文写出下列交通工具的顺序(1—5)
I. 词汇分类,每组词补全一个。
Sunday, sore throat, funnier, better, boat, fever,
toothache, tomorrow, stomachache, subway, bicycle,
smarter, more outgoing, train station, yesterday, Saturday
交通 疾病 形容词比较级 时间
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
__________ __________ __________ __________
II. 选择填空:
1. How long does it take your brother __________ there?
A. gets B. to get to C. to get D. get
2. —What’s the matter __________ you?
—I have __________ headache.
A. of, a B. with, a C. with, / D. about, /
3. Be quiet. I have __________ to tell you.
A. nothing interesting
B. anything interesting
C. interesting som