
人教版八年级英语上册《Unit4 What’s the best movie theater》课后巩固提升训练含答案.zip

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Unit4 课后巩固提升训练
but, sorry, good, live, look, friend, cat, die, outside, danger
Alice likes cats (1) ______ than any other animal. Although she is still young, she has experience(经验) of (2) ______ after cats.www-2-1-cnjy-com
When she was a child, she (3) ______ with her grandparents. At that time, her grandparents already had an old cat about 11 years old, (4) ______she was only 4 years old. It was a good friend for her childhood. It was very (5) ______ to her and never hurt her. One day, however, it left home and never came back again. It must be (6) ______. She was so sad that she was (7) ______ for it for a long time.
Now Alice has four (8) ______. She takes good care of them and makes them live comfortably. But she is afraid to take her cats out of the house. She says it is too (9) ______ for animals to go (10) ______ because she thinks that they may be hurt.
Dear Nancy,
You asked about places to go and things to do in town. The Downtown Mall is always 1 . It’s a 2 place in the oldest part of town. There are some good stores and restaurants.  3 , Trendy Clothes Store is in Downtown Mall. It’s a fun place to shop, and it has the 4 quality clothes. The shop assistants are friendly 5 people. My favorite 6 in town is Nick’s Restaurant. It is close to my house. It’s cheap and the hamburgers there are great. I like Dragon City Restaur