
人教七年级Unit 7 How much are these socks Section B 练习.zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Section B
I. 根据括号内的要求,写出相应的单词。
1. 26 (英文数字) ______________________
2. shoe (复数) ______________________
3. buy (反义词) ______________________
4. you (反身代词) ______________________
5. every (同义词) ______________________
6. shop (同义词) ______________________
7. sell (名词) ______________________
8. thirty-nine (写出数字) ______________________
II. 从方框中选择适当的词汇并用其正确形式填空。
afford, sell, buy, each, help
1. Let’s ________ a soccer ball, Peter.
2. The shop ________ all kinds of school things.
3. Can you ________ me with my English?
4. I like that black bag, but I can’t ________ the price.
5. Look! These green shorts are on sale for only $12 ________ .
III. 用适当的介词填空。
1. Welcome ________ our school!
2. I know the girl ________ red. She is Kate.
3. Let’s go and have a look ________ the pictures.
4. Come and see ______ yourself ______ Yiyun Clothes Store.
5. We have nice bags ________ sports ________ a very good price — only $19. 21世纪教育网版权所有
6. ______ girls, we have skirts ______ red, green, white and blue ______only $20. 21教育网
7. Please come ________ and have a look. What do you need?
8. The sweaters are ________ sale. They are very cheap.
9. My pen is old. I want to buy a new one ________ the shop.
10. Is there anything I can do ________ you?
IV. 根据汉语意思完成句子。
1. 这些鞋的价格非常合理。
These shoes are ______ ______ ______ _______ ________ .