
鲁教版七年级unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from 达标题(山东省烟台市).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 鲁教版

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Unit 6 Where’s your pen pal from?
1.(2005东营) I have three pen friends. One is ______ ,the other two are _______.
A. Japanese ; America B. Russian; Germany
C. Canada; Australia D. English; Frenchmen
第一空需要用形容词,Japanese , Russian , English都合适。第二空可以使用名词复数或形容词 D项符合要求。
2.(2005济南)Mary is thirsty. Give some orange, please.
A. his B. her C. hers D.yours
Give sb.sth.是give一词的用法,give后的动词要用宾格形式
Japan (形容词) 6. China (形容词)
country (复数) 7. easy (反义词)
like (反义词) 8. Japanese (复数)
they (形容词性物主代词) 9. America (形容词)
Australia (形容词) 10. you (反身代词)
1.来自澳大利亚 2.一门较难的学科
3.尽快给我写信 4.她最喜爱的学科
5.喜欢进行体育活动 6.会讲一点法语
7.want a pen pal in China 8.tell me about yourself
9.Japanese for kids 10.French for today
III. 词汇
1. She (居住) in Tokyo.
2. Is your pen pal from (法国)
3. How many (语言) can you speak ?
4. I wan to find some (笔友).
5. There are many (国家)in the world.
6. He art very much . (enjoy)
7. Does the boy speak (Japan)?
8. These books are very interesting. I like (they ) very much.
9. I like (go) to the movies and (play) sports with my friends.
10. He (speak) some Chinese. But he can’t (speak) well.
IV. 选择
1. “Where you from?” “I’m from England.”
A. do.× B. are. from C. ×.come D. do , come
2. “What language can he ?” “English”
A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk
3. He likes playing soccer and to the movies.
A. goes B. to go C. to going D. going
4. “ he speak Chinese English?” “Chinese”
A. Is, or B. Is, and C. Does, or D. Does, and
5. His favorite language is .
A. Australia B. France C. American English D. Japan
1. Yao Ming is NBA player and he has MP4 player.
A. a,an B. an,an C. an,a