
人教七年级Unit 9 How was your weekend 单元测试(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 9 How was your weekend?
( ) 1. — ______ was your weekend, Annie?
— It was great.
A. How B. What C. Where
( ) 2. ______ most young children, computer games are very interesting.
A. For B. Of C. About
( ) 3. —Tim ______ the science test last weekend. What about you, Peter?
—I English.
A. studied; studied B. studied for; studied C. studied for; studied for
( ) 4. Pete and Tony visited their English teacher this morning, but Rosa ______.
A. wasn’t B. doesn’t C. didn’t
( ) 5. What do those soccer players usually do ______ Sunday mornings?
A. in B. on C. at
( ) 6. —Who ______ dinner yesterday evening in your family?
— My mother. She ______ dinner for us every day.
A. cooks; cooks B. cooked; cooks C. cooked; cooked
( ) 7. Everyone         the school trip last week.
   A. went     B. enjoyed   C. stayed
( ) 8. Maria spent two hours ______ the piano last night.
A. played B. to play C. playing
( ) 9. It’s time ______ class. Please be quiet!
A. to have B. for have C. of having
( ) 10. — _____________ last Sunday?
—I did nothing, just stayed at home.
A. What did you do B.