
人教七年级Unit 12 My favorite subject is science同步练习及答案.zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 12 My favorite subject is science同步练****及答案
(   ) 1.____________favorite subject is biology.
       A. His     B. He’s    C. He    D. Him
(    ) 2.---I like biology and history. ---Why do you like__________?
       A .they    B. it      C. their    D. them
(   )3.Ann ________ English at 9:00 o’clock.
       A. has    B. have    C . takes   D. bring
(   )4.She _________math __________it’s boring.
       A. doesn’t likes, because    B. doesn’t like, and
       C. don’t like, and          D. doesn’t like, because
(    )5.After class I have gymnastics __________two hours.
      A. at      B. for      C. on    D. in
(   )6.Our teacher is very strict __________us.
      A. at      B. for      C. with   D. in
(   )7. _________your favorite subject?
A. What’s   B. What are    C. Who’s    D. Science
(    )8. We usually play sports _______three hours every day.
        A. for   B. in   C. of   D. at
(   )9.Our English teacher is __________her work.
A. strict with  B. strict in  C. is strict in  D. strict at
(   )10.In the gymnastics class, our teacher is always very strict and he _______me very_______.
A. make, tiring         B. makes, tired    C. is make, tired        D. make, tired
(  )11. Today we have _________.
      A. two new st