
译林版七年级7AUnit 5 Let’s celebrate 单元测试(有答案).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 译林版

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7AUnit 5测试
( )1. A. child B. kite C. dinner D. write
( )2. A. bread B. read C. breakfast D. sweater
( )3. A. water B. want C. wash D. watch
( )4. A. bank B. think C. lanterns D. uncle
( )5. A. theirs B. other C. with D. thank
( )6. A. know B. yellow C. brown D. window
( )7. A. pear B. near C. bear D. wear
( )8. A. blouse B. nose C. his D. nice
( )9. A. talk B. ball C. always D. small
( )10. A. room B. cook C. school D. food
二、词汇 .根据句意及所给提示写出单词(10分)
1. -------How many s_________ are there in a year? -----Four.
2. F_________ is the second month of a year.
3. This question is very i____________ . You must listen carefully.
4. At the Spring Festival , we often set off f__________ .
5. He likes eating ___________ very much. (饺子).
6. We have a long ________ ( 假期 ) in May.
7. ----Whose bedroom is it? ---- It’s ____________. (they)
8. Can you tell me your ____________ (friend) names?
9. The student is very good at ____________.(dance)
10. 1st June is ____________ Day.
( )1. There is ________ “m” and ________ “u” in the word “much”.
A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a