
牛津译林版八年级上Unit 3 A day out reading 同步练习(有答案).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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Unit 3 A day out
1. It is __________ (清晰的) that he was telling a lie.
2. Look! The __________ (天空) is blue and cloudless.
3. I’m old enough to look after __________ (自己).
4. When you travel in a foreign country, you can also learn its __________ (文化).
5. The __________ (主要的) idea of the article is to tell us how to save and protect water.
1. The Great Wall is one of the s__________ of the world.
2. The rain made the j__________ to the hill long and difficult.
3. He has many e-friends. They often chat with each other on the I__________.
4. The book is very thick (厚的). It has more than 800 p__________.
5. Her father was eighteen years old when he j__________ the army (军队).
1. ___________ (final), they won the football match.
2. I study this subject with great __________ (interesting).
3. Help __________ (you) to some fruit, Millie and Sandy.
4. Could you move that lamp? It’s __________ (shine) right in my eyes.
5. This is such a __________ (bored) town---there’s nothing to do in the evenings.
1. 乘公交车到南山花费了我们大约两个半小时。
_______________ two hours and a half to go to the South Hill by bus.
2. 我们打算在北京的世界公园门口下公共汽车。
We are going _______________ at the gate of the World Park in Beijing.
3. 我们在世界公园里观看了来自全世界的100多个名胜的模型。
We visited _______________ from all