
unit 5 can you come to my party单元练习(人教新目标八年级上).zip

初中 八年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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Unit 5 Can you come to my party 单元练****听力部分(共20分)
I. 听句子,在空白处填写你所听到的单词。(5分)
1. Mary is ________ tomorrow.
2. Can you come to Laura's ________?
3. Sorry, I have to meet my aunt at the ______.
4. Do you have a ________ lesson this Saturday?
5. Thank you for your ________. I would like to come tomorrow.
II. 听句子,从你所听到的A, B, C, D, E中找出每个问句的正确答案。(5分)
1. What match is Michael watching now?
2. When did you have the piano lesson?
3. Can you come to my birthday party tomorrow?
4. Do you like to watch the baseball match on TV?
5. Who did you give the invitations to this time?
III. 听对话,回答下面的问题。(10分)
1. Whom is Charles talking with?
2. What are they talking about?
3. Can Rose come to Charles' birthday party?
4. Who did Charles ask to his birthday party, too?
5. Where does Charles live?
1. I have a________ busy week. (real)
2. Thanks for your________ to visit next week. (invite)
3. Today is Tom's________ birthday. (fourteen)
4. My________ brother is two years________ than me. (old)
1. come to my party______ 2. 上钢琴课______
3. study for a test______ 4. 去听音乐会______
5. play the piano______