
人教七年级Unit 4 Don't eat in class.名词单复数、动词时态专项练习(含答案).docx

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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人教七年级Unit 4 Don't eat in class.名词单复数、动词时态专项练习(含答案).docx
人教版新目标七年级英语Unit 4
1.Our school has a lot of ___________ (rule).
2.Are these music ___________(player)yours?
3.Don't run in the ___________(hallway).
4.What can you do on ___________ (weekend)?
5.There are a lot of ___________ (thing) you can do in this club.
6.There are too many ________(vegetable) in the kitchen.
7.Our school has a lot of ___________ (rule).
8.We have nany music ___________(player).
9.You can’t run in the ___________(hallway).
10.How about having an English party in the_________(hall)?
11.There are five ___________ (rule)in the basketball club.
12.—Jack,do you have many ________ (rule)at home?
—Yeah!I must get up early.I must clean the room.
13.There are a lot of ____________(thing) you can do in this club.
14.The woman with long _________ (hair)is my aunt.
15.Many Chinese people think red can bring good__________ (luck).
16. Grace has long ________ and big eyes.
17. There are two big dining _________in our school.
18. I think some of the ________are good.
19. The two blue d (dish) are very nice.I like them very much.
20. Too many (rule) make Molly feel terrible.
21. Linda often helps her mother do the ____________ (dish) after meals.
22. The new school rule is strict. Students have to wear school (uniform)every day.
23. We have to finish our (homework)