
人教七年级unit7 7 How much are these pants 单元卷(江西省景德镇市).zip

初中 七年级 下学期 英语 人教版

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Ⅰ. 单项选择(10分)
( ) 1. This ______ is small. Do you have a big one?
A. shorts B. shirt C. pants
( ) 2. The red shoes ______ $20.
A. have B. has C. are
( ) 3. We have pencils ______ all colors ______ just 1 yuan each.
A. in; in B. in; for C. for; in
( ) 4. Our price is very low(低的), and anybody can _____ it.
A. afford B. see C. sell
( ) 5. Here are some nice skirts _____ a very good price!
A. in B. for C. at
( ) 6. —What’s that over there(在那儿)? —Let’s go and _______ it.
A. have a look
B. have a look at C. look
( ) 7. —How much _______?
—They are 3 dollars.
A. is the T-shirt
B. are the pair(双) of shoes
C. are the socks
( ) 8. —How much are the white shoes?
—Thirty-five yuan.
—OK. ________.
A. Here you are B. I want it C. I’ll take them
( ) 9. — _______?
—Yes, please. I want a bag for sports.
A. Can I help you
B. Is that your bag
C. What do you want
( )10. —Thank you very much.
A. No, please don’t
B. You’re welcome
C. Don’t say that
Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)
Now I’m in Singapore. Here is a 11 sale. On Orchard Road(路) there are 12 big stores. You can see big “ 13 ” in front of(在……前面) the 14 stores. You can see T-shirts in red, yellow, blue and green for 15 5 to 10 Singapore dollars. The pants are 16 sale