
人教七年级Unit 9 My favorite subject is science 练习试卷(含答案).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 人教版

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检测内容:Unit 9
得分________ 卷后分________ 评价________
1.I like reading and I read books for ________hour every evening.
A.a B.an C.the D./
2.We just have one lesson ________ Friday afternoon.
A.at B.in C.on D.for
3.Please write the numbers from 1________ 10 in English.
A.for B.on C.to D.with
4.—Is Mr. Lee always ________ every day?
—Yes.He is lazy (懒惰的) and he doesn't do any work.
A.happy B.tidy C.busy D.free
5.—Why do you like Friday?
—Because the next day is ________.
A.Saturday B.Wednesday
C.Tuesday D.Monday
6.—Can I go out to play football,Mom?
—When you ________ your homework,you can go out.
A.take B.finish C.help D.call
7.I don't like the T­shirt ________ it's very big for me.
A.so B.but C.or D.because
8.—Bob,what is your favorite ________?
A.subject B.book C.sport D.star
9.—________ is your favorite basketball player?
—Kobe Bryant.
A.What B.Who C.When D.Where
10.—Lisa often helps her classmates with their English.
—________.She is really a good girl.
A.That's for sure B.You're welcome
C.Sounds great D.It's fun
Dear Mom,
How are you and Dad?I'm __11__ in school.The final exam (期末考试) is coming.All the __12__ are busy.We have six lessons every day,__13__ in the morning and two in the afternoon.We can't be late __14__ class.I do well in all the __15__.M