
牛津译林版初中英语7A 总复习测试试卷(一).zip

初中 七年级 上学期 英语 译林版

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牛津初中英语7A 总复****测试试卷(一)
1.       The Greens ______working in the garden now. A. am B. is C. are D. was
2.       These boxes are heavy. Could you ________ them? A carrying B carry C to cry D carries
3.       ________ is your father? He is a _________.
A.      Who, policeman B What, teacher C What ,my uncle D Who , doctor
4.       There _________ a poster and two pictures on the wall. A is B does C be D am
5.       It is ______ turn _________ the room. A his , to clean B he , clean C his, clean D he, cleaning
6.       I often go to bed ___ eight _________ Sunday evening. A at, at B at, on C at, in D in, on
7.       Thank you for _________ the class trip. We’d like _________ to Beijing Zoo.
A organizing ,going B organizing, to go C organize , to go D organize, going
8. She spends about an hour a day _________ her _________. A do, homework B to do , homeworks C doing , homeworks D doing , homework
9. You must keep your eyes ________. A closed B close C closing D to close
10. How long may I ________ the book ? A borrow B want C take D keep
Children in the USA like K-Day very much. K is for kites . March 7 is the day . ____1_______ that day lots of ___2___ go out in the ___3____ . They take their